π³π± Learn Dutch Word of the Day > de sprinkler: sprinkler
Do you want to learn Dutch? Our language school provides Dutch courses for foreigners. To be able to follow our Dutch courses, you must have completed a university in your country or in the Netherlands. It is essential that you have had at least 15 years of education. Furthermore, a good knowledge of the English […]
π³π± Learn Dutch Word of the Day > ontvoeren: to abduct
Do you want to learn Dutch? Our language school provides Dutch courses for foreigners. To be able to follow our Dutch courses, you must have completed a university in your country or in the Netherlands. It is essential that you have had at least 15 years of education. Furthermore, a good knowledge of the English […]
π³π± Learn Dutch Word of the Day > de broccoli: broccoli
Do you want to learn Dutch? Our language school provides Dutch courses for foreigners. To be able to follow our Dutch courses, you must have completed a university in your country or in the Netherlands. It is essential that you have had at least 15 years of education. Furthermore, a good knowledge of the English […]
π³π± Learn Dutch Word of the Day > de wang: cheek
Do you want to learn Dutch? Our language school provides Dutch courses for foreigners. To be able to follow our Dutch courses, you must have completed a university in your country or in the Netherlands. It is essential that you have had at least 15 years of education. Furthermore, a good knowledge of the English […]
π³π± Learn Dutch Word of the Day > de brandoefening: fire drill
Do you want to learn Dutch? Our language school provides Dutch courses for foreigners. To be able to follow our Dutch courses, you must have completed a university in your country or in the Netherlands. It is essential that you have had at least 15 years of education. Furthermore, a good knowledge of the English […]
π³π± Learn Dutch Word of the Day > de passagier: passenger
Do you want to learn Dutch? Our language school provides Dutch courses for foreigners. To be able to follow our Dutch courses, you must have completed a university in your country or in the Netherlands. It is essential that you have had at least 15 years of education. Furthermore, a good knowledge of the English […]
π³π± Learn Dutch Word of the Day > invullen: to complete
Do you want to learn Dutch? Our language school provides Dutch courses for foreigners. To be able to follow our Dutch courses, you must have completed a university in your country or in the Netherlands. It is essential that you have had at least 15 years of education. Furthermore, a good knowledge of the English […]
π³π± Learn Dutch Word of the Day > de toestemming: permission
Do you want to learn Dutch? Our language school provides Dutch courses for foreigners. To be able to follow our Dutch courses, you must have completed a university in your country or in the Netherlands. It is essential that you have had at least 15 years of education. Furthermore, a good knowledge of the English […]
π³π± Learn Dutch Word of the Day > het grasveld: lawn
Do you want to learn Dutch? Our language school provides Dutch courses for foreigners. To be able to follow our Dutch courses, you must have completed a university in your country or in the Netherlands. It is essential that you have had at least 15 years of education. Furthermore, a good knowledge of the English […]
π³π± Learn Dutch Word of the Day > gaan zitten: to sit down
Do you want to learn Dutch? Our language school provides Dutch courses for foreigners. To be able to follow our Dutch courses, you must have completed a university in your country or in the Netherlands. It is essential that you have had at least 15 years of education. Furthermore, a good knowledge of the English […]